Saturday, July 3, 2010



I set out this morning from the finish end of the Little Blue Trace Trail and plans were again for a pick up when I needed.  I took a copy of the map with me so I would be able to compare the miles I had walked according to the app I loaded on my Blackberry, RoadRunnerGPS, and match up at which shelter or parking lot I was.

I set off and right away noticed that the KT Tech Tape I had on my knees and right hip were working well.  I felt less wobbly and less pain.  I started off at a good clip and felt good when I reached the parking lot I ended up at last time.  I knew I had gone almost three miles and I was still feeling really good.  I was enjoying the weather and letting my mind wander some.

My mind again went back to the hospital as I thought how much better I felt walking this morning knowing what was around the next bed, the same way I felt better on the days when I knew what treatment and routine to expect.  Spontaneity is great but it certainly has its place.

I lost a bit of speed as the miles went by but I still felt good.  I hit mile six and there was a shelter.  I paused the GPS and took a few minutes to enjoy sitting on a picnic table and stretching a bit.  My right knee was starting to ache and I thought about calling for X to get come me, but I wanted to keep going so I sucked it up and did just that.

I wasn’t thrilled with my knee by mile 7, but it was either turn around and go back to the mile 6 shelter, or keep going another mile or so and get to the next parking area.  I kept going and until I had to walk down an incline things were bearable.  I thought about continuing past the parking lot to the next shelter, about another mile, as I still had enough energy to keep going, but not wanting to make things worse, I called it a day at mile 8.4.

Reviewing the data from the GPS, I cut some time off the pacing from my last long walk, something I feel pretty good about.  So as long as I can figure out the knee/hip issues, I think I’ll be good to go.

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