Monday, August 9, 2010

All Scanned


I had my MRI read today by my orthopedist.  He is the ‘knee guy’ for the Kansas City Chiefs and an all around nice guy.  After reading the films (it’s actually a computer screen these days…new fangled technology and all), he said that I have scar tissue from my previous surgery and some fluid, both of which are causing the pain I have been having.  I got some recommendations on how to take care of it so I don’t mess it up in really bad way, and the all clear to get back into training harder once the weather decides to be something other than disgustingly hot.  Until it cools off though he suggested that I stick to inside stuff as the water loss wouldn’t be great for muscles that need to keep my knee caps in place.

I’m thrilled that I don’t need anything involving a scalpel and that I can get back to it without worrying.  Now if only the temperature would dip below 95 degrees… 

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