Sunday, October 3, 2010



Yesterday morning was 9 miles even.  I was exhausted by the end and was actually having a conversation with myself for the last quarter mile, which is up hill.  I was convincing myself I could in fact get there and if I did, it would be a short plateau and then downhill to the car.  I might have looked like an idiot (it was an in-my-head conversation, but I am sure I still looked silly), but I got there.

My new camelback water backpack thingamajig worked rather well.  It was nice not to have a pack on my hips and it was easy to use.

My hips are more achy than they have been, but there is substantial improvement over yesterday night what I had to be picked up at the curb when leaving the ball game because the car was too far for me to hobble, er, I mean walk, and better than having to use my hands to pick up my leg to put it in the car.  So I’m guessing it is just two grouchy IT bands and a few quads that wanted some attention too.  Nothing to sit me out for more than another day or two.

I’ve been awful about updating, but I’m making progress and I know that even if it takes me over three hours (which I’m fairly certain it will), I will get across the finish line in Vegas and I will be proud and strong and all that good stuff.

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